
#EpicFail: @FourSeasons Social Media Manager Fails To Tweet Apology To NBA Star @Baron_Davis For Racial Profiling

I normally don't go looking for controversy on Twitter and suggest people get #fired, however I follow @Baron_Davis on Twitter as I'm a huge fan of his new show #HowIRockIt on @ESQTV! I also consider myself an up & coming fashion stud and follow @Esquiremag. And I sincerely believe that what happened to him yesterday was wrong and if @RealDonaldTrump were the CEO of @FourSeasons he'd tweet this pic below directly to the Social Media Manager...

Why you ask?

Yesterday, #MLKday2014, was supposed to be just a relaxing day. I was simply minding my own business preparing for all my regularly scheduled Twitter chats about social media marketing, when Baron's Tweets come into my feed! 

It was if a bomb dropped! He was so mad he used the wrong handle, which should have been @Fourseasons or @FSVancouver. No matter. The only tweet he recieved was this:

Every major lessons I and all the Pros I know have spent all year chatting freely about via #MMchat, #SocialChat, #AtomicChat, #KloutChat, #CMMinds, #RonR, etc. were shattered yesterday afternoon! This is seriously a tweet by tweet, real life #StreetMBA lesson for social media community managers:

What do you do?

My first thought was hopefully the Social Media manager tweets him an apology within the next few minutes. He's clearly upset and the man has 874K plus Twitter followers and this could get ugly! 

Well, guess what happened? The social media manager sent nothing. No apology = #Fired! Seriously, if it were Jordan or Tiger, would you apologize then?

Fact: @Fourseasons only has 99k followers. He has more influence than you on Twitter!

As an accomplished Creative Director, I would be furious if @Fourseasons were my advertising client because I would be scraping to earn not just his business but his influence to make my campaign successful! The best mobile, native advertising campaigns in 2014 are heavily interconnected with influencers and earned media and the results to drive sales are in my scope, not this Social Media Manager! The lesson to avoid here: @Baron_Davis could easily go on to @CNN and crush my campaign (if I were the agency of record)! 

In fact, I would have scheduled a meeting with the CMO and the PR staff to offer the man a deal:

- Offer a written (and tweet) apology
- Insist an investigation and policy review
- Donate $10,000 donation to his favorite charity 

In exchange, I would request @Baron_Davis tweet the following:

Thank you @Fourseasons for doing the right thing! I accept your apology and generous donation to my favorite charity! #imhappynow

Goal: Make his #MLKday!!!

Superior social media engagement should be the aim of every luxury brand around the world and this blunder servers  for the rest of us as an opportunity to watch in horror and decide:

Apologize or Not.

It's your move @Fourseasons.



Yeves Perez, The Twitter #Bowtie Creative Director

My marketing friends and I were recently tweeting compliments back and forth about the bow ties we were all wearing in our profile pics when something incredible happened. True engagement! We're all Twitter junkies and that's what we do! We're also the cool cats, so I had to share the magic we made together taking men's fashion to the next level!

And before we knew it... We envoked @CrowTheif into the conversation! 

Well, guess what happened next and why Twitter is so awesome? Melissa, the owner of CrowThief jumped in!

The tweets back and forth went nuts!

And 100 tweets later... The World's first Twitter made bow tie was born! 

@frshprnzcleantc: "As a successful Creative Director, I thrive on my talent for #trendspotting as well as being a #trendsetter." Yeves Perez, #freshprinceofcleantech

Photo credit: Tessa Dee Miller

Lastly, Andy said it best...

We will definitely do this again... Maybe at a conference to show others how true social media engagement is done!


Why Solar Needs To Win Marketing And Advertising Awards In 2014?

What do we want? Sales!

When do we want it? Yesterday!

Well, if you had met or exceeded your sales goals then you wouldn't need me. Am I right? I'm here to disrupt the industry with award winning work and provide new compelling reasons to lease Solar in 2014.

If 'moving the needle' is truly the objective then it's time to do something different according to where your Solar business is on the adoption curve. See below:

Based in the number of customers most companies currently have, my estimation is that all Solar Companies in the US are in between the early adopters column and barely into the early majority. After years of following the teachings of Geoffrey Moore, author, speaker, advisor, best known for Crossing the Chasm, I am absolutely clear that Solar needs to get more strategic in digital marketing and mobile advertising. 

Mr. Moore's teaching are simple: As you maneuver thru the adoption curve, the compelling reason to buy is not the same bewteen early adopters, the early majority, and the late majority. So what's my solution to do kick sales into overdrive?

Peanut Butter and Jelly:

Marketing solar in 2014 needs to achieve a clear cut "peanut better and jelly" moment where plug-in electric cars and solar are sandwiched together in an effort to create context of: saving lots of money everyday! Context is King in 2014 and branded content needs to drop the hard sales pitch. Once context is established, targeting electric vehicle owners to adopt solar will lead to setting sales records. 

Why electric car owners? With US plug-in electric vehicle sales up 84% in 2013, that means there's movement within the early majority (also known as "Pragmatists in pain") who've discovered their compelling reason to adopt. In fact, InsideEVs.com and the Detriot News have both report:

“In 2013, automakers sold nearly 49,000 plug-in hybrid vehicles — up 27 percent over 2012 — and 47,600 electric vehicles — up 241 percent, according to data complied by Ward’s Automotive.”

And guess what American City is the epicenter of plug-in electric vehicle adoption? Sunny San Diego

San Diego Now Has More EVs Per Capita Than Any Other US City: http://t.co/AV4ap44fOa

Why San Diego? Um, well... Maybe because we endure some of the highest gas prices (high cost of living) in the country, and the majority of drivers commute less than 50 miles per day. In fact, several plug-in owners acquire a second electric car within a year or two after there first purchase after realizing the money saved on a daily basis. San Diego Gas and Electirc estimates there are roughly 5000 plus plugin hybrid, electric vehicles currently on the road in America's Finest City and 2014 is the watershed for pragmatists in pain.

The definition of Pragmatism alone explains why marketing solar in 2014 must adapt: [1]Pragmatism is a rejection of the idea that the function of thought is to describe, represent, or mirror reality. Instead, pragmatists develop their philosophy around the idea that the function of thought is as an instrument or tool for prediction, action, and problem solving. Pragmatists contend that most philosophical topics—such as the nature of knowledge, language, concepts, meaning, belief, and science—are all best viewed in terms of their practical uses and successes rather than in terms of representative accuracy.

What's the silver bullet to target electric vehicle owners via advertising? Mobile and Native advertising... Duh!! Fact: the majority of all electric vehicles owners also own a variety of mobile devices and use apps on a dialy basis related to their vehicles especially charging. This also includes news apps. 

Now, I'm not going to give all of my secret sauce away, especially my advertising concepts, however pay attention this year to who's doing what and when because I'm determined to win  lots of these (below) for solar in 2014:

Follow myself and Geoffrey Moore on Twitter. My handle is @frshprnzcleantc. They don't call me the Fresh Prince of Cleantech for nothing!

Geoffrey Moore is a Venture partner at MDV. Chairman emeritus of The Chasm Group, Chasm Institute, TCG Advisors.


Mobile Advertising Is King In 2014

I thoroughly enjoyed retweeting this: 

@pgreenbe: I'm so sick of annual "mobile is the future" predictions. Its the present. Doesn't 5 billion smart devices tell you something? #crm #scrm

It's the truth... What else is their to discuss other than who wants to win?

Since, I'm the black Don Draper at this... Let's meet to discuss winning at mobile advertising.

Tweet me at @frshprnzcleantc. 


2014: The Year Of Red & Black

I want to set the stage for men's fashion in Sustainability this year and proclaim 2014 the year of Red & Black. Why? Because passion and aggression are the foremost winning ingredients for any man seeking to standout from the crowd of lame talkers.

However, joining the class of Risk Takers requires courage to wear what's currently out of your league. Why? Because if you were already the "best dressed" in your field, then you wouldn't need me. 

So, allow my to re-introduce myself. My name is Yeves, and I'm the Fresh Prince of Cleantech. You can also call me Jefe. Let me begin with the 1st must have of 2014: Red pants.

I prefer a slim fit for my slender 156lb body type, so I turned to Trunk Club out for Chi-town for assistance. This men's fashion club is by far the hottest solution for the iPhone techie man that uses Apps over catalogs or websites anyday! 

My advice: Just don't over-think this... Mobile is the way to go. The future is now. Simply download the Trunk Club App and a personal stylist will contact you promptly. My stylist asked me all the right questions about my style, my goals, and even asked me to send her pics of what I think I look good in. She then built me a trunk and mailed it to my doorstep.

I have to be 100% honest... I got such a rush from opening it because I didn't pick anything out other then red pants to be in my trunk. 

And BAM! 'Sex me' red Bonobos washed chinos! These are exactly the kind of risk a real stylish man needs in the wardrobe if he wants to tell the world he's passionate this year. 

Plus, my ass looks great fucking great in these! Fuck yeah, I said it. 

My 2nd must have for 2014: Black V-necks and kicks.

Moving on, I also did some retail therapy at H&M for some essentials such as a organic cotton black V-neck, a few pairs of black David Beckham briefs, and these super dope black kicks. They're so aggressive it's stupid! 

What about accessories? Here's what I wear...

I also recommend a jacket...

This is a Banana Republic modern charcoal wool jacket with a faint pinstripe. Classy women love this shit!

Now, put it all together...

Wear red & black with purpose in 2014.

My final advice is for some dope music to add to your playlist that'll get your swag following. Check out Fashion Killa by A$AP Rocky and the video with Rihanna is cool, too. http://youtu.be/F6VfsJ7LAlE

They don't call me the Fresh Prince of Cleantech for nothing!

Happy New Year!