
Marketing and Advertising Craft Beer In San Diego Is About To Go Super Social

As an award-winning Creative Director, it's my job to see the right window of opportunity for my client and then build the damn window when opportunities are slim. Today, I'm proud to announce my agency's most ambitious Twitter Chat to-date: San Diego Beer Chat! 

#SDbeerchat is a weekly Twitter Chat for San Diegans to talk about what makes them happy: #CraftBeer (Thursdays at 5pm PST). 

After completing months of painstaking research, publishing several case studies on LinkedIn, dominating the field in productive content strategy, and seeking local advertisers for @TwitterAds, #BigBikeGroup is preparing to deploy what we're predicting to be the largest and most active professionally organized #TwitterChat anywhere on Twitter. 

Why San Diego? And why beer?

It's actually not a secret that San Diego has grown to be a dominate force in #CraftBeer globally. On April 7th, 2014, the Voice of San Diego published an article of this very interest in relationship to local economics titled "City of San Diego Weighing Subsidies for Craft Beer". 

Here's an excerpt: San Diego has decided craft beer is part of its economic identity. It’s even thinking of giving two breweries a subsidy to keep them from expanding elsewhere.

Also in a separate detailed study called,"The Economic Impact of Craft Breweries in San Diego", the National University System Institute for Policy Research (NUSIPR) evaluated labor data from San Diego’s craft brewery industry and measured its economic impact within the region and report the following:

One of the fastest growing business sectors in San Diego this decade has been craft brewing. Since 2011, the total number of craft breweries in the region has more than doubled. In addition, San Diego’s craft brewers contribute to the region’s tourism industry dollars by hosting year-round events, festivals and facility tours. 

• Craft breweries have a significant regional economic impact. In 2011, brewers and brew pubs generated a $299.5 million direct economic impact in San Diego County.
• The economic contribution of craft brewers is more than 1 1⁄2 times greater than the economic impact of Comic-Con International, San Diego’s largest annual convention. NUSIPR also found that the industry made $680.8 million in sales, and sustained or created 2,796 jobs that year.
• San Diego’s craft brewing community is growing rapidly. More than half of the brewery licenses in the region have been issued since 2011. Larger, more established brewers are also expanding and adding new locations. Given that expansion, when 2012 figures are released we expect to find an even larger economic impact.
• In addition, Brewery tourism is an important part of San Diego’s visitor industry. Unlike seasonal attractions, brewery tourism occurs year-round, and most of the major industry events in the region occur during non-peak visitor months. Readers should note that because of data and methodological limitations, the figures above do not include the impact of beer-related tourism.

The Opportunity:

My goals as a Creative Director for this uncanny project is to generate:

4-6K tweets per (1 hour) chat
2 Million (organic reach) timelines 
20 Million+ impressions (per chat)

I will be meeting with local advertisers to discussion unique advertising opportunities (@Twitterads) over the next two weeks. Contact me at BigBikeGroup at gmail for more info and scheduling.